PC and Equipment Service

LukSmart deals with the sale and servicing of computers and computer equipment of the most famous manufacturers.

We offer our customers quality equipment, excellent technical support, favourable payment terms, and tips when buying your PC.

From the very beginning, we tried to be as high-quality as possible, and the service of delivery and services on a higher level.

The service of computers and computer equipment includes the following services:

  • Integration of computer systems
  • Distribution of Computer Products
  • Computer Service and computer equipment
  • Distribution of consumer electronics
  • Fault Diagnostics
  • Repair of computer and electronic equipment
  • System platform control, antivirus protection
  • System cleaning from viruses, dialers, spams, etc.
  • Verify your e-mail system
  • Consulting Services

We perform interventions in the service and on the USER’s site.

Our Advantages:

  • Short time repairing faulty equipment
  • Spare Parts Storage