Self-Service Reception (Hotel Reception Kiosk)

The Self-service reception (Hotel Reception Kiosk) speeds up the process of reception/ check-in at Hotel 24/7, and by using biometric technology of document recognition and people, it increases the security of staying at the hotel and brings the hotel new revenues from the 

Self-service services:

  • Check In – Reception for approximately 50 seconds,
  • Automatic Guest Residence Login,
  • Check out – check out and pay cash or cards,
  • Sale of current hotel capacity,
  • Anonymous day stay,
  • Room key card-payment discount in a partner network,
  • Conserve power in rooms,
  • Informing the guest and marketing of services,
  • Remote surveillance and control of entrance to the hotel.

Short description of System work:

  • The server  automatically receives information about the guest and room (reservation) via or
    Hotel software. The hotel staff can directly enter the data or the guest can choose
    Room on the device.
  • Check In – Guests ‘ Reception: The guest scans the personal document and images on the Web camera. Device
    Checks the document’s corrects, recognizes data, and compares the image of the face from the picture document
    Person obtained on the Web camera, with a great certainty determining the identity of the guest.
  • Checks the reservation, encoder, and currently issues a room key card. In case the guest loses
    Card key room, only the image on the Web camera and the device will currently release the new
    Card key.
  • Check out – Visit the guest: Guest puts the card in the device and sees the rainbow on the screen, and chooses
    Payment method (cash or credit card). For cash payment user should have the exact amount of cash as is on the room bill,
    with Card payment user should put in their bank card and manually enter the CVV. The device prints a confirmation of
    Payment, and if user wants an account, they must enter their eMail. The room card remains in the device and can be
    be used for the next guest.
  • For the living room, it is enough to scan a personal document to ensure that it is a citizen of the country where the hotel is and to pay the coins.
  • When entering the room of the card, it is placed in the card holder and it is light, allowing the use of the
    and air conditioners.