Self-Service Bank Digital Teller

The device that we offer is made based on expertise and long-term experience of our company in the field of development, implementation and maintenance of self-service, biometric and other devices (kiosks)


The offered system fully enables:

  • Identification of client (Visa/Mastercard payment cards and personal documents scanning) through Combo scan;
  • Issuing certificates that are protobilated, signed and certified by the Bank;
  • Non-cash (card) payment of issuing certificates and other services of the bank;
  • Saving and accessing all the issues related to the transaction (name and surname of the claimant and the date of request, electronic version of the issued certificate and the recording of the client from the device’s camera);
  • Efficient system management and administration of the bank;
  • Possibility of scanning and OCR of accounts and other documents;
  • Non-cash (card) payment of all services offered by the bank on the device;
  • Issuance of certificates (slips) about the transactions made and fiscal bills for the services performed.

Automatizovanje plaćanja računa na digitalnom šalteru preko skeniranja računa, upotrebom ekrana osjetljivog na dodir i govornih komandi.

Automatizovanje ispunjavanja uplatnica na digitalnom šalteru upotrebom govornih komandi ili dodirom

Primjer rada DT uređaja, izdavanjem govornih komandi